By FatalxDesire599 - 05/03/2010 15:39 - United States

Today, my mother stormed into my room shouting about how I never go anywhere and then tells me to go out "NOW" and do something. As she is pushing me out the door, her boyfriend walks in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 675
You deserved it 2 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahahahaha well, it's better that way. Do you really want to hear your mother's orgasms in the room next to the one you're in? I don't think so.

xKoga 0

Sounds like they use your bed as a special vacation area. :P


you mom sounds cool, and easy, what's her number?

notwierdgifted 0
Igor_g5 0

HaHa. She wanted you to do something so she could.

Well then, go to your boyfriend's house and push his mom out :)

I would have been like **** YOU! and shut the door in her face.

Maybe you can get some money out of her by saying you can't since you don't have any...but still that didn't work out as planned