By Anonymous - 20/02/2015 01:46 - United States - Lebanon

Today, my mother moved in to my 2-bedroom apartment with me. She brought her boyfriend, 4 chihuahuas, and 2 birds with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 842
You deserved it 5 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lowkeybelieber 7

It's your job to tell her what's okay and what's not in YOUR house. Just because she's family doesn't give her the right to push you around.

YDI for not having boundaries. Even if you have reason (maybe she's old or sick) to let HER stay, that does not require the rest. At least, not in those numbers.


And you allowed this because...? I'm willing to bet your lease does not allow animals without prior consent, let alone 4 dogs as once, regardless of size. I bet it also has a clause saying no overnight visitors for more than a few days in a row. You need to tell the boyfriend to be on his way, and get rid of the animals, before the management notices and terminates your lease and you all end up homeless.

I want a follow up on why she moved in with you. Also why didn't you tell her she couldn't take all of that?

I think it's time that you had a little sit down with your mother and explain to her that she's going to have downsize if she's going to live with you. All the animals will have to find another place to live not trying to be mean and but cutting that many animals into a two bedroom apartment is not a wise thing especially since it can get you kicked out. Explain to her your lease and that they have a no pet policy. She'll have to work something else out

SuperMew 22

I don't understand how this sort of thing happens. When the boyfriend and animals showed up with her, you should have informed her that (at least) the boyfriend, birds, and two of the dogs had to find another home. It doesn't matter that she is your mother, she is living in your home and you have the final say. The best bet is to get her into a motel and help her find another living arrangment.

JayVicious 20

well for that matter isnt he big enough to have a place for OP's mom to move in.

Housing your mother is ok. Everything else? Say no

Yes, she brought green alligators and long neck geese some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees some cats and rats and elephants but as sure as you're born don't you know she forgot her unicorn.

been there, done that, never again lol