By ana9 - 12/01/2009 15:56 - France

Today, my mother bought me Mickey Mouse shaped burgers for my dinner. I'm 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 015
You deserved it 6 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's pretty sweet! i'm 23 and i would love mickey burgers!

Kulawend 0

Lame. Everyone knows that kids all over the world love dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets, not Micky Mouse burgers!


Thats not FML at all. Thats pretty cool. Hell, my mom makes pancakes shaped as bears and different shapes for all 12 of us kids. We get up really early and have fun making them. I am 25 and I still enjoy it.

so? I'm 17 and I would love my mom forever if she bought me something as amazing as Mickey Mouse shaped burgers!


so what's the problem? did she call you a cuddly baby and serve them to your friends? not FML worthy

ArielTheMermaid 17

a burgers a burger. that one just happens to be shaped. so what?

TheChampagneBoi 5

looks like its time to move out

MiaLoves 8

**** yeah mickey mouse burgers!

omnomnom7 0

this isn't FML-worthy(: that would be awesome!!

That's bauss bro this doesn't deserve to be an FML