By Anonymous - 12/08/2015 04:05 - United States - Racine

Today, my mom got angry that I wasn't responding to her texts. I couldn't because I was in the dentist's chair. She'd dropped me off, and after returning from errands, sent the text from the waiting room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 914
You deserved it 1 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Parents and technology. Never a good mix.

It's a dentists office. That makes no sense as a pun.


Oh OP you just reminded me of my unfortunate jaw pain from all my wisdom teeth being pulled today

People are getting more and more impatient these days; especially parents. Don't think of it much, OP.

Steve_Dudley_UK 10

Your mom's obviously had all wisdom teeth removed.

susytreydawg 13

This is the kind of person who will expect their kid to sms back whilst driving....

Parenting at is best! At least she was looking out for you?