By that was mine - 15/05/2015 22:26 - United States - Cherry Hill

Today, my mom cleaned out my bank account, saying my "no-good dad" owes her child support and that she'll get it one way or another. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 886
You deserved it 2 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A07 48

I'm pretty sure she's not allowed to do that, talk to a lawyer OP

That money is supposed to go to YOU, or at least to taking care of you. This makes me so mad..


That's not the way she should be getting it..

ColonelCusswords 24

The bitch mustve found some way that makes sence

I'm so sick of hearing about parents taking money from their children "in Leigh" of child support. The other parents debt should never be put on your childs shoulders

Man idc if that was my own mother. I'd let the law handle it like she should have let the law handle her situation with your dad.

I don't think the law will help in this case. Since she was able to access the account to withdraw the funds, there is no law from stopping her in doing so. That is of course, assuming she didn't steal op's account info or something.

Kids should NEVER be in the middle of their parents BS. Sorry, OP. Hopefully she's just having a bad day

Ted_brosby 4

She can legally do it because her name is obviously on the acct if she was able to withdraw it. But that's a really horrible thing to do.

She can't just do that! That's absurd, better off getting you a lawyer and fighting her for your money.

I don't understand some people. Sorry OP that had to hurt and be upsetting. Get away from her asap.

The purpose of child support is so the parent can have money to help with the expenses of a child. Nobody owes your mother anything, child support should be spent on you anyway. That's a really low and horrible thing she did.

I would snap op. I'm sure you could do something about that