By ALLALA - 04/04/2009 23:34 - Canada

Today, my husband and I were watching TV. An info-mercial came on for a diamond cross necklace that had the lord's prayer engraved inside of it. As the commercial ended I said, "who in their right mind would actually buy that?" Turns out, my husband would, for our anniversary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 982
You deserved it 24 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This looks familiar... maybe I moderated it. Anyway, it's the thought that counts. Apologize for insulting the gift, and tell him you'll treasure it because he gave it to you, even if you don't like it too much. I'm sure that'll make him forgive you.

KwitIt 0

I agree with #1, but if you want to REALLY save your butt, you can lie and say that the only reason you said that was because you didn't think he could afford something like that and you didn't want him to feel bad? Though I don't always condone lying, I think that could help.


This looks familiar... maybe I moderated it. Anyway, it's the thought that counts. Apologize for insulting the gift, and tell him you'll treasure it because he gave it to you, even if you don't like it too much. I'm sure that'll make him forgive you.

153rdTrooper 0

Agree with #1. I saw that commercial just yesterday...

syddyb 0

I think I know lots of people that would buy that. it's diamond for goodness sakes

KwitIt 0

I agree with #1, but if you want to REALLY save your butt, you can lie and say that the only reason you said that was because you didn't think he could afford something like that and you didn't want him to feel bad? Though I don't always condone lying, I think that could help.

bobbymullet 11

that's actually pretty smart ^ I'm gonna use that eventually i just know it

It's a cheap necklace. I'm talking, so cheap, you should suspect a catch on this thing. Such as terrible quality. If you own a T.v. you could easily own this if you wanted.

darronlee 0

Oh, man! I saw that commercial yesterday. Haha.

#1 - There was another FML that involved an engagement ring before. Same idea - Shows the ring to her at a jewelry store, fiance says "who would buy that?", and the OP says he bought it

Cookie_kaioo 0

Agree with #5.. although you really didn't intend to say it intentionally to him.. Plus its the thought/gesture behind the gift that counts ;)

Jschro14 0

It's not the thought that counts, a homeless man could give me an empty can and think its the best gift in the world but to me it's just trash. People who repeatedly quote things like "it's the thought that counts" are ridiculous socialists. This commercial was on tonight, I had similar thoughts as you did OP. Though, it was kind of intriguing how they fit the whole lords praying in such a small sized area. #2 - The crappy necklace was only 40 bucks. Not much to go on there.

I know EXACTLY what commercial you're talking about. haha.

LOL I remember that commercial. Yeah, I agree with the OP.

AntiChrist7 0