By Ignorant - 07/10/2017 06:00

Today, my husband and I had a HUGE fight, but we had amazing make up sex so I figured it was over. When I woke up, I realized my mistake. I was tied to the four bed posts completely naked and a sign was taped on the ceiling. "Repairman coming in an hour. Gave him a key. Have all your clothes. Have fun." FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 982
You deserved it 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Leviathene 34

Regardless of his reasoning for this act, this is still abuse. He has left you at the mercy of a complete stranger while naked and completely unable to defend yourself. You need to seek therapy with your husband (or file for divorce), because this is not acceptable behavior from someone you are supposed to trust. I don't know the details that led to you being tied up, you may have given him your consent to tie you up during sex, but remember; you have the right to refuse AT ANY TIME, even mid-way through sex. This was highly irresponsible of him to do, because as another person has already said, you could have been raped or murdered.

You need to change the locks and file for divorce immediately. If that how he handles arguments, he's capable of much worse. Get out now.


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Yeah this is gross. What the hell would've even been going through his mind??

I'm assuming there wasn't a repairman or it would have presumably been mentioned and the husband was just outside the door? Well the first bit anyway.

Still extremely abusive and still extremely dangerous. Even moderate restraints have a risk for blood clots that can cause heart attacks or aneurysms, and making someone think that a stranger is going to walk in on them naked and helpless is a completely heartless thing to do, regardless of whether it is true or not.

Leviathene 34

Regardless of his reasoning for this act, this is still abuse. He has left you at the mercy of a complete stranger while naked and completely unable to defend yourself. You need to seek therapy with your husband (or file for divorce), because this is not acceptable behavior from someone you are supposed to trust. I don't know the details that led to you being tied up, you may have given him your consent to tie you up during sex, but remember; you have the right to refuse AT ANY TIME, even mid-way through sex. This was highly irresponsible of him to do, because as another person has already said, you could have been raped or murdered.

You need to change the locks and file for divorce immediately. If that how he handles arguments, he's capable of much worse. Get out now.

Well, you know what they say, go big or go home. For real though, unless really extreme prank wars are a regular part of your relationship, that's ****** up.

Oh, and I almost forgot. Did you manage to escape in time or did the repairman have to free you in the end? I'm dying to find out.

I'd assume she waited until she heard commotion at her front door and just asked the repairman to leave. Could have also made him stand away from view and made him call someone to help, then made him leave.

I feel like a damn psycho because my initial reaction was “oh that’s a mean (and incredibly kinky) punishment ?”

beccaboo_96 16

first off the way he handles the fight was completely wrong, you could have gotten raped by that man. Also, that's horrible for him to do that Idc what the fight was about a man should never do that to anyone he's not even a man, he's still a little boy. get the paperwork and leave his ass..

xcllla_ 27

Unless you're into BDSM and humiliation, other commenters are right. Think about therapy for him or divorce. He has put your life at risk.

Even if they were into BDSM, this is not how BDSM works.

BDSM needs consent and proper care/precautions. Leaving someone tied up while a stranger comes in with no way of escape is not BDSM.

Re4ge 13

Other commenters are right. As someone who's heavily into S&M, this is absolutely ****** up. If my boyfriend would have done it to scare me, even as a prank and even while waiting on the other room, I don't know if I'd ever be able to trust him again. This is just wrong. OP should get out of that relationship.

So today I was sent to do some repair work on this house. The husband winked at me as he gave me a key, said to let myself in. He told me to check the ceiling fan in the master bedroom. You all wouldn't believe what I found in there...