By Sad - 28/04/2009 22:13 - United States

Today, my house got broken into. My brand new laptop was stolen, along with my flatscreen TV, digital camera, external hard drive and some clothes. Wanting to drown my sorrows in the Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream in the freezer, I opened the door to find that it too had been stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 487
You deserved it 29

Top comments

Sorry, I was hungry. I left 5 bucks under the couch

unibrowicorn 0

your house gets robbed, and the first thing you do is go to the fridge for ice cream? please tell me that you did that AFTER you called the police...


lol, they always take the good stuff.

resawins 0

daaaaaaamn!!! fyl for sure!!!! seriously. the ice cream thing is just brutal. geez. i'm so sorry this happened to you :-( i hope everything works out for you.

lol, I would never think to go through someone's fridge or freezer if I was breaking into their house.

Burner2K0 0
MukyDaCookie 0

Who steals a TV? Good luck selling that and don't you think its more likely you or someone else who lives at your house or visists regularly ate it and you don't remember?

MukyDaCookie 0

Sorry to double post but this reminds me of a Dave Chappele skit, where he is talking about how he, as a black man, never calls the police. He mentioned his house being broken into, and said that would be a good time to call, but he didnt because "My house is too nice for me, its not real nice, but too nice. They would never belive I live here"

Okay no. I'm calling BS. No one steals a ******* pint of ice cream along with all of that other shit.

You should develop an immunity to some virus, mix one tub of ice cream with it and eat that. :D