By tothebaneofkings - 23/04/2014 04:20 - United States

Today, my great-grandmother uttered the phrase, "Just because I'm gray up here, doesn't mean I'm gray down there!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 772
You deserved it 4 090

tothebaneofkings tells us more.

Ha, this got posted really fast. I am the OP. This actually had happened a while ago. To answer some questions, my great grandma had been drinking and had been talking about how her two daughters only want money from her. And that when she died, "I'll leave one dollar in the bank and let them fight over it!" An evil cackle included. I can only guess that this brought around her age into her mind, since she's in her late 80's and probably only has 15 years left with luck, because the fml was the next words out of her mouth. Maybe to comfort herself, I honestly don't know. But it was followed by her looking at my female cousin and saying, "I can teach you how to get into the V formation." Needless to say, we were both horrified to the point of irrational laughter.


no one wants to know your business grama x0===

Tmi hahahahaha. Well, that's good for her hahahah

Ha, this got posted really fast. I am the OP. This actually had happened a while ago. To answer some questions, my great grandma had been drinking and had been talking about how her two daughters only want money from her. And that when she died, "I'll leave one dollar in the bank and let them fight over it!" An evil cackle included. I can only guess that this brought around her age into her mind, since she's in her late 80's and probably only has 15 years left with luck, because the fml was the next words out of her mouth. Maybe to comfort herself, I honestly don't know. But it was followed by her looking at my female cousin and saying, "I can teach you how to get into the V formation." Needless to say, we were both horrified to the point of irrational laughter.

Goblin182 26
martin8337 35

Oh, I kinda thought that V had something to do with what lesbians do to each other.

LOL "only 15 years left." in her late 80s chances are she's only got a few months left. sadly very few people live to 100. you should probably be prepared for the worst; she's very lucky to still be alive when she's almost 90! Sorry it was just funny how naive that comment sounded.

friedgecko 9

Wow #102 Nice way of being cynical and rude. Do you point out to little kids that Santa Claus isn't real either? "prepare for the worst" you don't know anything about the grandmother. She could be in very good health and very well could live for another 15 years. Go be an ass somewhere else. Your comment was ridiculous.

AnJ0517 12

I'm sure you'd love it if someone told you that your great grandmother (or anyone you loved for that fact) only had a few months left. Then told you that you were naive if you had hope or faith for longer. You're a jerk #102 do humanity a favor and stitch your mouth shut.

#102 - my paternal great-grandpa is 96 and is doing pretty good! My paternal great-grandma lived to be 89. A month later she would have been 90! My grandpa is in the worst health ever(diabetes, high blood pressure, suffered a stroke a few years ago, had an open heart surgery, has kidney failure, etc.) and he's 77! FYI my great-grandparents that lived long are my grandma's parents.

Lol, 103 my kids aren't going to believe in those fairy tales. I don't need them being heartbroken in later years.

wow you must not see aloof retirement homes where average 95-100 now

@#109, that was obviously just an example. Why be such a jackass about it? Raise your kids how you want but i believe children should be encouraged to have imagination.

@102 my great grandfather lived to be 98, my nan is 89, her husband (not my blood related grandfather) is in his 90's, you're just an insensitive ass hole, go **** a cactus

TechnoKitten 17

Sandwich your criticism. Good comment, something needing fixing, good comment.

maybe because it takes you like 13 years to get hair there it takes like 13 yrs longer to grey?!?! mind blown

friedgecko 9

That is a pretty good theory im not sure if its true but it kinda makes sense

tmi is awesome lmfao however, what she said is not.