By twingirl - 14/08/2009 21:57 - United States

Today, my grandma went to get birthday gifts for my twin sister and me. She returned with 2 shirts that read "I see you've met the twins" in big letters across the chest. She gave them to us and said, "Isn't this cute? 'cause you're twins!" I then had to explain to her what the shirt was actually referring to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 813
You deserved it 4 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zombies_Freak 0

Ahh, old people and novelty shirts... that can be a dangerous combination...


rocky1971 0

lol. I hope I never get that clueless.

She probably got it from one of those tacky tourist places near the beach too. FYL.

starralchemist90 0

I believe that in the twins' case it should read "I see you've met the quadruplets." Just a thought.

mzbabygurl97 0

i predict a foot up your

Sorry, not FML worthy. Try or even! Funny storry though.

if you have big **** then you have nothing to worry about

Ritika 0

oh that would of sucked telling you grandma