By wtfamidoing98 - 19/11/2016 19:54 - United Kingdom - Aberystwyth

Today, at my job in a pub, I was cleaning the pub garden ready for closedown. There was a girl crouched on the floor under a table. By the time I'd realised what she was doing and turned around, she'd already finished, apologised, and left me to clean up her piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 470
You deserved it 667

wtfamidoing98 tells us more.

Hi, OP here, When I walked out she was giggling like she was hiding from her friends as she was under a table. the disabled toilets is 10 steps away from the beer garden and the main loos are just up the stairs. I'm pretty sure "are you ******* kidding me" may have slipped out as she pulled her leggings up and ran away like a child. The wonders of some of the human race

Top comments

Some people have no shame and absolutely no home training. I'm guessing you guys have a restroom because it is a pub. So why couldn't she walk herself to it? I honestly would have handed her a roll of paper towels and told her to clean up her own piss.

I'd be pretty pissed off if I were you.


She's gotta be taking the piss.... Get it! Damn I'm funny

Some people have no shame and absolutely no home training. I'm guessing you guys have a restroom because it is a pub. So why couldn't she walk herself to it? I honestly would have handed her a roll of paper towels and told her to clean up her own piss.

Superbaker123 14

Oh the joys of working in a pub

Oh my god...but why would she do that? Damn, I'm sorry OP, that sounds truly terrible.

I'd be pretty pissed off if I were you.

The fact that she apologized as if that would make up for it would be aggravating, she wouldn't need to do that if she'd had some decency and used the actual bathroom. Even if that wasn't an option, outside would've been better, not in someone's business. People can be gross, and that can get worse when alcohol is involved. If she didn't clean it up, I'd be refusing too, that's someones bodily waste, it's a biohazard.

Sounds like it was outside- "the pub garden" implies it was outside at least. Sounds like the issue is that it was on a tiled area or some sort of water/fluid resistant outdoor flooring. Meaning that cleaning it up probably had a fair amount to do with, had it not been cleaned, the area would have smelled like piss until the next cleaning or storm.

This person meant outside as in not in a place of Business, the Pub garden is owned by the business.

Hope you at least have her banned from the pub.

It's better to be pissed off than pissed on!

Places that serve food and drinks legally have to have restrooms. So she must've been blatantly drunk or she just thought she'd have a little fun n drop trow and pee all over the floor and maybe only even bothered to appologise cuz she was caught in the act... Seriously if you were in her shoes there isn't really much you could say anyways. It's just a wtf moment.. Oohh maybe put up a sign "please don't pee on the floor ladies" But then again that's pee shaming isn't it lol