By AlonsoKold - 07/04/2014 23:39 - United States - Jackson

Today, my girlfriend threatened to break up with me because I don't like her Facebook statuses enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 242
You deserved it 5 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Set your relationship status to single.

Does your girlfriend happen to be a 5 year old?


Your gf needs to grow up. If THAT'S the reason she breaks up with you, then you're better off without her anyway.

A future psycho.. She sounds lovely. Get out of there while you can OP!

it's times like this I wish fb had a dislike button. then you could make a point of just trolling your lady.

Should of just looked at her in amazement.

I got mad at my bf for _never_ liking anything on my Facebook, but still liking everyone else's stuff, including his ex's.

kotake 7

I can actually see this as a valid reason, but I can also see him implicitly liking everything you post w/o having to say it as a valid excuse...

That's just so pathetic. Why do you need your stuff to be "liked"? Attention seeking, much?

In #33's case, her boyfriend is "liking" everyone else's stuff but hers. If OP is "liking" other people's posts but not hers, i can see how the girlfriend might not like it. If he just doesn't hit "like" much, she needs to calm down. Quite frankly, I couldn't care less whether or not my boyfriend likes my posts, but then he's not on Facebook as much as I am.

ehollow5000 6

That is more understadable. That just means he is more interested in his ex than he is in you.

Like every single one of her statuses!!(:

When Facebook becomes a factor in ANY interpersonal relationship, it's time to put an end to it.

nana_88 10