By larSON5 - 15/08/2012 16:17 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, my girlfriend started a huge fight with me over how I don't have the right to have close female friends anymore. She ended up storming off, and won't return my calls. But no worries: she did just play the word "murder" in our game of Words With Friends. Very comforting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 419
You deserved it 3 778

larSON5 tells us more.

larSON5 1

No none. The boring fact is they're just friends, we have a coffee after work now and then, and sometimes go to the bars for a few drinks. My girlfriend usually comes along, but when she doesn't because she's busy, and I still go anyway, it's like WW2.

Top comments

I recommend that you sleep with mace in your hand and a bat under your bed.


Sorry for the doubly post, when I went to edit the post, another one was created.

I see you are dating overly attached girlfriend.

Unless you finally manage to get through to her and talk about this, there's not going to be anything you can do to salvage the situation, as relationships cannot work with a lack of trust that deep. It doesn't help when it's handled like that either.

Relationships are about trust. If you can't trust your gf/bf and feel that you have to babysit their every move, then you shouldn't be together. She has some serious insecurity issues. You can't ask someone to give up their life and freedom just because you want a relationship. That definitely sounds like a ball and chain situation. I don't know how you're happy, OP.

DarkDaedalus009 8

I smell a psycho girlfrind coming

YDI for still being with her. If my boyfriend even thought about trying to control who I can be friends with he'd be long gone.

Ditch her, she's a crazy insecure bitch. You be friends with whoever you want.

As long as she does not keep close guy friends if you love her... Listen to her, she actually cares ... don't judge her when shes pissed off cause all women are like that when their mad haha

OMG a male and female can't JUST be friends!!! That's ridiculous. What are they going to talk about? Sports or shopping?

(Assuming you're not being sarcastic...) Yes, because all girls ONLY like shopping, and all boys ONLY like sports. And there's no such thing as self-control or valuable platonic friendships. -_-

RedPillSucks 31

OK, I'll make the wrong assumptions too. What makes you think the boy would be talking about sports and the girl would be talking about shopping?

That's not what I think, that's the kind of attitude an ignorant person who thinks that men and women can't be friends would have. Although I probably should have known s/he was being sarcastic by his/her use of proper capitalization and punctuation. :P Sarcasm doesn't come across well in text.