By larSON5 - 15/08/2012 16:17 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, my girlfriend started a huge fight with me over how I don't have the right to have close female friends anymore. She ended up storming off, and won't return my calls. But no worries: she did just play the word "murder" in our game of Words With Friends. Very comforting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 419
You deserved it 3 778

larSON5 tells us more.

larSON5 1

No none. The boring fact is they're just friends, we have a coffee after work now and then, and sometimes go to the bars for a few drinks. My girlfriend usually comes along, but when she doesn't because she's busy, and I still go anyway, it's like WW2.

Top comments

I recommend that you sleep with mace in your hand and a bat under your bed.


Trust is important in relationships. Yes my boyfriend may get jealous that I have many guy friends but he knows, rightfully, that I would not betray him and he knows he does not have the right to control who I'm friends with.

Dump her shees not worth it you can do better bro.

Whistlee 8
YoshiMike13 4

thats mad scary bro... I'd sleep with an eye open if i were you.

You deserve it - because you date crazy women with major issues. My boyfriend has female friends. I don't care. I have male friends, close ones too! He doesn't care.