By larvagirl23 - 18/06/2009 15:08 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of ten months sent me a picture message of her making out with a guy. Under it, it read, "You can pick your stuff up in the morning." FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 900
You deserved it 5 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments


AnotherStranger2 0

Bee-atch! Blackmail. Save the picture for blackmail. :|

Good idea #15 lol Sorry, your gf is a bitch OP. Even if there were problems in the relationship, that's a terrible way to end it.

Oh honey *hugs* This is why I'm afraid to date bisexuals... they almost always end up going straight. You'll find someone better than her who'll make you really happy.

Me too. Bisexuals get really mad if you tell them that though.

Indeed they do. It's true though like 90% of the time.

Mmmhmm. And I also hate faux bisexuals, who are basically just ****** in diguise. Ugh.

rallets 22

its not always them, they dont have to do something wrong for them to do that and nothing justifies having to cheat

Wut a bitch! Ur better off without her.'re a lesbian, what do you expect

GalaxyShots 21

What the **** is that supposed to mean? I'm lesbian and have a girlfriend of three years. We don't get in fights, we've never cheated on each other, and I'm planning on proposing tomorrow night. 9 times out of 10, lesbian relationships go 98% better than straight ones do.

Shithappens360 0

I think one word describes her and I'm sure that everybody agrees with me. The one word is BITCH!!!!!!!

**** you, why do you care about her sexual orientation? Like seriously **** off and get a life, because it's about the situation the person is in, not about the fact that she's lesbian.

mojomojo_fml 5

For some reason, it didn't seem as harsh after I noticed a girl had posted it. Still funny, though. Guess she just got tired of carpet burn.