By clingmaster - 09/09/2009 08:57 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of over a year broke up with me. Two weeks ago she complained that I didn't act like I really loved her. I then became more involved and caring just for her to show my love. The reason she broke up with me? Because I was "suffocating her with clinginess." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 810
You deserved it 4 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sounds like she just wants an excuse to break up with you, fine someone better :D

Yeah, sounds like you two weren't right for each other anyways if you had to conciously become involved and caring.


been there I'LL never understand women

lakita_lover 0

Your ex-girlfriend sounds like an immature dolt who doesn't know what she wants. I know it's tough at first, but try to move one. You deserve better. Good luck.

Eh, girls like that are impossible to please. Take it as a learning experience and find a more stable girl who knows how to communicate properly.

beastieboy21 0

same thing happened to me, girls are ****** complicated

gemini12 0

#1 Is right, OP, Get over her. You obviously deserve better. :]

VolleyballSMASH 1

Perhaps you are a man of extremes? Or she just wasn't happy either way.

She's a bitch, what can you say. if someone broke up with me for something dumb like that, i'd call them a stupid *****.

sirhobothesecond 3

I see your point but grow the **** up and take the extra time to type correctly.