By IceWrath - 16/08/2015 08:14 - United Kingdom - York

Today, my elderly dad learned how to use Facebook. He now spends most of his time messaging me about his meals, his bowel movements and his foot fungus. He's now learning how to use Skype. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 125
You deserved it 2 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let's hope he sticks to messaging instead of posting detailed notes on your wall for all to see

Neat! Soon you'll receive lovely video calls from your dad. Hopefully he'll get an HD camera so you can really see that foot fungus develop :P


Let's hope he sticks to messaging instead of posting detailed notes on your wall for all to see

Just imagine if he began to post photos..

aww fml, damn he might just skype call u while taking a shit i reccomend getting a new skype account, and if he asks just say that u dont use skype anymore, and delete ur fb account xD and run for ur life before he mails u his bowel movements

Back in the early days of the graphical internet, when I was using NCSA Mosaic 1.0, there was a site called that was exactly that. A guy taking pictures of his daily dump and uploading it to the web.

Well, needless to say, the conversations are probably shit.

You're right. There was no need to say that

Welp, I was prepared for a salvo of down-thumbing, considering that anyone who makes a shit joke about anything shit-related is immediately blacklisted. :)

Well, that's one way to keep in touch...

You had better figure out how to use the parental controls on his router before he does. "Sorry dad, I don't know what port 80 unavailable means..."

Neat! Soon you'll receive lovely video calls from your dad. Hopefully he'll get an HD camera so you can really see that foot fungus develop :P

hahaha * guess what sweety, they are time lapsed over a period of 2 months !!* Ha! wouldn't t that suck to see lol.

It could be like those YouTube videos where people take a picture of themselves everyday for a year or something, but instead, it's disgusting foot fungus.

Seriously though, this is why hardly anyone under 20 uses Facebook anymore.

skyttlz 32

He means over. I'm 20 and I go on maybe once a month. Kids I graduated with don't go on and kids younger than me have sorta left it too.

You can uncheck the "following" combobox on his profile. At least you won't see his posts anymore :-) And you can set yourself invisible to him...

itwasntme14 19

I was going to comment the same thing it seems like the moderators failed on this one