By WakeUpToADream - 25/09/2015 20:43 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my girlfriend is as punctual as a German train; I woke up to see her taking a dump into a plastic bag in our bedroom, all because my roommate was using the bathroom and she had to leave for work on time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 275
You deserved it 1 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if only her boss knew the sacrifices she made

Desperate times call for desperate measures!


hey at least she's pod trained! if fml has taught me anything it's that's not all people are! :)

Best FML I've ever seen. Ngl I did this once, it was quite a smelly but satisfying experience, but I was alone in the middle of nowhere at the time.

The funny thing is that German trains aren't punctual at all ... better take japanese ones for examples :P

Or Swiss. I don't think I ever arrived without incident whenever I was taking German trains. And I did that quite a lot for a couple of years.

I travelled through Switzerland and Germany a few months ago. Swiss trains were amazing and I was expecting more of the same when I got to Germany. I was very disappointed. Especially on the last day when I had a plane to catch and a lot of changes, seemed even worse than British trains!

Sounds like your gonna be missing a sock too

I find this hilarious mainly because it was not mentioned until this far down in the FML...

davek 36

And as filthy as a German porno.

you gotta do what ya gotta do... but holy shit. o.o hope the bag wasn't godly (holey/holy)

Attacksloth 33

Extreme punctuality is usually a good thing, unless it's obsessive.

xcllla_ 27

Extreme punctuality of bowel movements you mean?

Why not just show up early and use the bathroom at work?

Maybe her job took some time to get to and she couldn't hold it until she got to work.

tiger820 20

what the hell did she wipe with????? ?

His sock, unless you want to picture her doing the doggie swipe. Your choice!!

Couldn't have used the bathroom at work or a coffee shop?