By CheatedOn - 14/02/2010 15:19 - Romania

Today, my girlfriend and I broke up. The reason? She slept with four men while I was two weeks away visiting my brother. She told me it was because she missed me so much. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 723
You deserved it 2 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Icarus_II 0

She missed you oh so dearly that she shagged other men. Such a loyal girlfriend, almost brings a tear to my eye. Almost.

***** Alert! Move on but remember, you can always go back and hit that easy piece again. I doubt her knees have been together for awhile.


Trixies100 0

wow she missed u huh that's bull shit good thing u dumped her

jrodas21 0

wow there is no way to express that feeling all i can say is *****

wats her number I wudnt mind takin around out of that **** did ever consider pimping her out?

Alright freeze... I'm still not sold on the idea but if you say it's okay then I'll live my life by it!

phuckurlyfe 0
myman47 0

#9. u r soo ******* Hott. plz suck my dick

#28 is winner!!! lmaoooo hahahahahah ...going back to op. She is a *****! end of story.