By rejected - 23/04/2009 04:20 - United States

Today, my friends and I were celebrating Spring Break by going out to a club. I saw a very, very cute girl sipping a drink at the bar all by herself. Trying to be a stud I walked over and said "What are you doing Friday night?" Her response: "Not you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 174
You deserved it 79 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You tried to use a cheesy pickup line and you got shot down. Oh yea stud, FYL indeed.


#26...she sound hot? Just by saying "not you"? Wandering Idiot indeed. Anyhow, dude you got owned. Funny, funny stuff

"Today, some random stranger valued their privacy. FML" ydi.

I've seen this happen like, everyday...

What's with the abnormal amount of FMLs today being like "Today, I tried to prove how awesome I am because I'm a douche, but it didn't work. FML"? Anyway, you deserved that. Try "Hi" and introducing yourself first next time, I hear it makes people feel, I dunno, more comfortable or something.


So what? You got rejected. Next time, maybe think about talking to her like a normal human being, as opposed to being a douche.

#25: "It does make one wonder what she's doing there, though. " .. Do you not think it's possible that she just wanted to get out of the house, and have a drink? Rejected guy: It's cool that you have the balls to approach someone that's "very, very cute", but next time try being a little more respectful. Not everyone is interested in some random stranger and their pick-up lines. Your life isn't ******, just move on and find someone who's interested, dude. There still exists non-asshole girls out there.

playa101 0

you're going about this the entirely wrong way. Cute/hot girls know that they are cute/hot and will develop what I call a "bitch shield" so that boring guys would stop hitting on them. If she said that to me, I'd simply laugh and simile and say "good, you're already thinking about sex and I hardly said anything, but don't even think for a second that you're entitled to having that honor with me" in a playful manner. She won't know what hit her, and she'll most likely laugh and remove her "bitch shield" When it comes to girls like this, you got to be witty and never let them step all over you. However, I give you props for even trying unlike 99% of all other guys. Keep trying and good luck.

DeathMaple 3

he has discovered the bitch shield!!!

UGH God you people are clueless. #25 is absolutely retarded. "she IS in a bar, what does she expect?" See, maybe it's just me, but when I go anywhere I expect common courtesy and respect. Unlike douche bags like the OP and apparently you, attractive girls do not go to bars to get hit on. I promise you, they can do better than bar scum, and they know that. So when you approach them as presumptuously and disrespectfully as the OP did, you forfeit any right to a sugarcoated rejection. Her response was exactly appropriate in relation to the approach. Exactly. and #42, what you so cleverly dubbed as a "bitch shield" is in fact simple annoyance at being instantly reduced to a ****** to put your penis in. And a response like the one you suggested will only (rightfully) aggravate that. You would be lucky if she did not slap you, but any self respecting woman would at least walk away and inform other women in the bar of what a prick you are. Now try to keep this in mind in your future pursuits, there is absolutely nothing attractive about being an asshole. Nothing at all. I would suggest next time you try expressing actual interest in her as a human being, entirely unrelated to her physical appearance. This girl is not even remotely a bitch. When you approach someone like a douche bag, you're going to get rejected like one. Stop crying about it and grow up. YDI.