By Anonymous - 04/10/2009 01:03 - United States

Today, my fiancé was performing oral on me, when I heard him start making a "Waka waka waka waka" noise. He confessed to pretending to be Pacman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 459
You deserved it 49

Top comments

That is the greatest thing ever!!!!

M13LO 0


Why are you complaining? He's the coolest guy ever!

How is this an FML? Your boyfriend is totally awesome!

HAHAHAHA that's HILARIOUS! He's awesome! I don't understand why this is an FML when its an MLA (My Life's Awesome) haha :P

loveyadearly 0

ur boyfriend is awsome. I hope my boyfriend reads this and learns a thing or two.

hahahahhaha! omg :) i told my boyfriend about this and he cracked up!!!! hes a pretty seductive tlker so in reply he says, "oh baby! ;D can i be pac-man? ill explore all the secret levels in the game and make sure i get "top score" hahah or somethin like that

angelann313 0

oh no! Hahaha! That's awesome xD

tomandhicky 0

ill be your pacman that goes for EVERYONE, give me a call 07764145832