By Anonymous - 04/10/2009 01:03 - United States

Today, my fiancé was performing oral on me, when I heard him start making a "Waka waka waka waka" noise. He confessed to pretending to be Pacman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 459
You deserved it 49

Top comments

That is the greatest thing ever!!!!

M13LO 0


VampireMan111 0

haha thats funny. how is that bad? I laughed so hard that my roommate thought I was having a spaz attack!

Clutzs 5

i would have been laughing so hard if that happened to me

your fiance is down right amazing :p oh yeah, he's a keeper :D

Hahahhahahaha that's Fu**ing awesome!!!!!!

dearing94 0

that is awesome. not an fml.