By inthefamily - 23/10/2012 13:29 - United States - Washington

Today, my fiancé's stepfather asked me how my teaching job was going. I replied heatedly that I've never taught, and then complained bitterly to my fiancé about how his family still doesn't know me. Turns out his stepfather has early onset dementia, and that I'm an asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 544
You deserved it 36 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like someone never even taught you to be polite

twinny_sc 13

Seems like you don't know much about his family either so what are you so pissed about?


Today my dad decided to take me to a strip club I saw my sister and my dad shoved $100 down her bras while she gave me a lap dance FML

Erm, so you're engaged and don't know something that important about his stepdad? Perhaps things are going a little fast!

Sounds like youre the one that doesn't know your fiancée and the family, op.

No worries. He'll forget you're an asshole tomorrow.

The_F3rris 11

And you didnt remember your in-laws mental disorder. Whats your excuse? Dementia?

You are an asshole. Who doesn't know about whose family now .. Insert foot in mouth

Ever see the show bridezillas? You would be a shoe-in!

SamCrow 1

Sounds like you are an asshole. Anyone who just starts blasting people b/c they asked an incorrect question is a bitch

They're not an asshole, just an ignoramus.

StephenStills 6

Your FIANCE'S stepfather has early onset dementia? This man is the stepfather of the person you've been in a committed relationship with and you didn't know? Someone goofed.

StephenStills 6

Even if he didn't have early onset dementia, you'd still be an asshole for snapping at your fiance's stepfather like that.