
By mommy2004 - 18/07/2023 03:00

Today, my nineteen year-old boyfriend dumped me and kicked me out of his place where I was staying. All because my two year-old peed on his couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 470
You deserved it 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he broke up with you over something petty, he never deserved you. Keep your head up and move forward. I hope you have a place for you and your child to stay.

lalalaila777 24

shows his true petty colors, blessing in disguise, please find stability and safe environment away from assholes and sexual predators. some people date or get close to parents with children, just to abuse their kids. be careful


That's one of the most valid reasons for dumping someone. Why wasn't your kid in a diaper?

If he broke up with you over something petty, he never deserved you. Keep your head up and move forward. I hope you have a place for you and your child to stay.

lalalaila777 24

shows his true petty colors, blessing in disguise, please find stability and safe environment away from assholes and sexual predators. some people date or get close to parents with children, just to abuse their kids. be careful

While I don't understand why your 2 year old wasn't wearing a diaper if they're not fully potty trained, he shouldn't have thrown you both out over it. Check with your landlord and tenant board if you qualify for tenants' rights so he has to legally evict you, which usually takes 30 days minimum, and if you can charge him with illegal eviction.

alw123 3

The said boyfriend is only 19 himself. He’s definitely not mature enough to know the right things to do in this situation & is going to react emotionally rather than rationally. I feel for you OP but I also feel for your ex-boyfriend.

@alw123 - Be that as it may, that's not going to hold up as a legal defence.

I highly doubt this is the only reason but a. Why wasn’t the kid in a diaper, b. Why was he not being watched and stopped, c did you offer atleast to get it cleaned? Seriously fml your boyfriend for having to deal with a piss wielding kid. Put him in diapers till potty trained op. Also your bf is 19 and you have a two year old, guessing sex ed wasn’t your strongest topic either.

@Blueraspberrycat - Let’s not shame OP for getting pregnant, please. How do you know birth control wasn't used? Also, it occasionally fails.