By ohshit - 07/03/2010 17:25 - United States

Today, my fiancé picked which new house he thinks we should live in based on the fact that the bathroom was set up in such a way that he can drink himself in to a stupor, then use the toilet and puke in the sink at the same time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 758
You deserved it 5 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Monikabug 9

And? Less cleaning for you!

Actually, it's a very intelligent design, having the toilet next to the sink. I had food poisoning once and I was SOO happy our bathroom was designed in such a way that I didn't need to worry about guessing which side was next to spew. Horrible time...haven't eaten tomatoes ever since....


Quest_ 13
paramorefan125 0
Cakemama 0

OMG are you seriously thinking of really marrying this guy? You are an idiot if you do

LtHoward 0

You're the one who got engaged to the guy OP, you should know how he's like. Time to re-think your marriage? lol

bugmenotmofo 34

YDI for getting engaged to an alcoholic

bugmenotmofo 34

YDI for getting engaged to an alcoholic

Trust me hunny, this is a good thing you may not see it now but when your pregnant and peeing for the millionth time and you feel a wave of nausea coming on, your going to thank your lucky stars that your husband picked that house!

stewpididiot 11

make sure to take out a fatty life insurance policy on his dumb ass !!!