By brelni - 28/11/2010 17:17 - United States

Today, my ex-boyfriend came over to visit. Being nice, I let him walk down the stairs first, following after him. I still managed to reach the bottom before he did; after taking one step, I lost my footing and fell all the way down, scraping the skin off my arms and legs, and bruising my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 206
You deserved it 4 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are u guys like all not there? She said she was letting her ex go ahead of her to be nice, but she managed to make it to the bottom first by falling down the stairs...its not that hard to understand.

Jesus Christ. This should be put on a high school exit level exam. You people must have reading deficiencies.


randall_doak 4

He tripped you cuz the booty call sucked... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! That's what really happened....

lindsey37 0

It's not really an FML it's just embarassing

WickedPixie 0

Maybe she lives in a basement. I both live in a basement and have my ex over all the time. *shrug* Either way, sorry about your bruised ass, OP.

Saiyza 4

i always thought "Ladies First" was to be generous; now, I know that it's so ladies can be caught.

Wouldn't you have fell into him if he was going down first??

Psh, please. He heard her ass falling, so he stepped out of the way to enjoy the entertainment. But really, some stairs are wide enough to move out of the way. :P

True... My opinion, this fml is complete bullshit

watching your ex walk down the steps doesn't help

samiboy9 0

wait a second why was your ex at your house, creepo

#59 the stairs could be really wide, and anyway i would pay to watch that except i would feel really bad afterwards...

thisgirl2u 9

Like previously stated up above, the ex heard OP falling and kindly stepped out of the way instead of trying to catch her ass. Or maybe due to her unrequited and undying love as a last attempt to prove her commitment to her ex OP somehow managed to twist her body in such a way that she missed him on her way down. *** shrugs ***