By "jojolovesyou134" - 31/03/2019 14:00 - Australia

Today, I decided to stand up to my bosses for making me lose money and work with heat stroke... while my co worker got to go home early I had to work 2 hours later. Turns out I got a supervisor in trouble for making me work when there was help allocated. Now I have to walk on eggshells, FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 188
You deserved it 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aphrodite 20

No, you don’t have to walk on eggshells. THEY are the ones that should be treating employees well.

Smithworthy 20

For the love of God don’t walk on eggshells, they can’t make you do that. If they are making you dance like a puppet for you paycheck, then just quit. It’s better in the end to do so


Aphrodite 20

No, you don’t have to walk on eggshells. THEY are the ones that should be treating employees well.

Smithworthy 20

For the love of God don’t walk on eggshells, they can’t make you do that. If they are making you dance like a puppet for you paycheck, then just quit. It’s better in the end to do so

Nope. Keep reporting until you get fired or find something else. Unemployment will help any gaps, but quitting messes with it.

I’d worry more about your inability to form a coherent sentence.

manb91uk 22

"For form a coherent sentence" The irony here ******* kills me.

Melanie Jane Tilson 8

Just like yourself, for instance? Oh, the irony is delicious

Ya cause my phone changing a word is the same thing and a rambling sentence. Ahh having a small dick must be fun.

Screw that. Management is on your side, it is the supervisor who should be walking on eggshells. He/she was in the wrong, you called them out and now they are taking it out on you. That is like a child who sulks and expects the parent to just roll over. Don't take that shit man, you did the right thing and you need to show the supervisor that you will not succumb to emotional blackmail. Your supervisor can only bully you if you allow them.

Heatstroke definitely would have sent you to the hospital! It would have been impossible to work let alone even be able to stand. I agree you shouldn't be walking on eggshells around your manager but it sounds like OP is playing up the situation.

A lot of people say "heatstroke" for what is more accurately "heat exhaustion," which is what you get on your way to heatstroke.

I was vomiting and couldn't stand at my last stop... I had to sit at it for an hour drinking water till I could drive home

I was vomiting and couldn't stand at my last stop... I had to sit at it for an hour drinking water till I could drive home

manb91uk 22

No, you don't. It was his ****-up. If he gives you trouble, file a complaint with HR immediately. Unfair treatment is a thing you know.

so shortly after, I got so sick I almost died and was fired