By Anonymous - 20/04/2017 18:00

Today, my Darwin Award-nominated cousin got himself admitted to the hospital because he substituted the hammer and screwdriver for a meat tenderizer and a knife when he couldn't find the toolbox. The one I clearly labeled "TOOLS" in giant letters to avoid this situation from happening again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 166
You deserved it 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Again..? What did he do the first time around ?

He's been nominated, but he really wants that trophy


Again..? What did he do the first time around ?

Wait, he's done this before? No wonder you describe him as being Darwin Award nominated.

He's been nominated, but he really wants that trophy

Why would you keep your meat tenderizer and knives in a toolbox?

I think u should be nominated for a Darwin Award for explaining the story that way.

Right, because that will get him killed naturally.

Peel the label off the toolbox and stick it to your cousin's forehead.

He probably thought that label meant it belonged to a tool.

So why he using a hammer and screwdriver to tenderize meat? And how did he hurt himself doing it?

azouwa 26

genetics man... nothin' like it!! lol