By jimmy_morton - 26/01/2016 18:20 - United States

Today, my dad told my girlfriend that she's the son he never had. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 841
You deserved it 2 260

célinelisie tells us more.

célinelisie 14

Hey it's the op, My dad loves to embarrass me and challenge my manhood because I'm his only son of 6 kids. He's done this all my life. He used to yell at me on the field during my football games calling me a pussy. He even told my senior drill instructor at my basic combat training graduation ceremony that he hoped my drill sergeant put hit foot up my ass every day that I was there. No I'm not gay. My dad just likes to mess with me. I've gotten used to it and I actually find it funny now.

Top comments

Better hurry up and start finishing your food faster than him and peeing around the house to show him you're the dominate male.


ulissey_fml 22

My dad also paid me that compliment , once, when I was working the line at a local factory . I didn't mind, as he was the best mom I ever had, too.

Does that make you the daughter he never had?

célinelisie 14

He has 5 daughters and one son, me. That's why he says things like this. lol

tbh, I had to re read this post a few times to understand it. Wow! that sucks for both of you, unless she's a "tomboy," then she prolly laughed at it. I'm a chick, that works on cars, so I am very familiar with that phrase....

I don't see a gender on this one. Maybe OP is a lesbian and her father really doesn't have a son? Still a weird way of complimenting the girlfriend but slightly less offensive to OP

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Makes a bit more sense that way...or at least, I can understand the thought process a little better.

op's user name has Jimmy in it. safe to assume it's a guy.

Did I read this right? Because if so I'm very confused

She's part of the family, how lovely! In other news, you may be disowned, until your father's new 'son' allows you to marry back into your family...

hipposteve 21

shake it off and take them to a paintball field. you can vent there :)

I'm pretty sure that's more of an F her life