By CatofSteel - 05/03/2017 22:00

Today, my cat cracked my phone screen by sneezing on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 897
You deserved it 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RusticChick 27

I am extremely curious how this happened.

I'm guessing the cat sneezed and slammed its head against the phone screen by mistake? Poor cat.


RusticChick 27

I am extremely curious how this happened.

Yeah, I'm gonna need some follow up from OP on this one...

I phones break easily so I'm guessing the cat sneezed on one

That's what happens when you buy an Iphone.

The iPhone jokes are beyond old by now.

I'm guessing the cat sneezed and slammed its head against the phone screen by mistake? Poor cat.

I'm guessing that's a poor quality screen you got.

Your cat has evolved. It's a mutant.

sexualchoclate 3

its ok. my cat stepped on my old phone and web cracked it. she was so heavy one paw stepped on it and cracked while i slept