By soannoyed - 22/09/2013 21:21 - United States

Today, my brother decided it would be funny for almost every sentence out of his mouth to start with the word "hashtag". FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 720
You deserved it 4 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CommentModerated 17

Am I the only one who still calls it "pound"?


chocolatefrog28 29

Pop on some headphones or take a walk, if your brother doesn't get any attention/reaction to sounding like an idiot, he's more likely to stop doing it sooner. I'm sorry you had to listen to that, OP.

My eyes burned as I read through the comments. I already cried a little at the OP itself.

#thatsdumb #idiot #why #thatsucks #lmfao #haveagoodday

Maybe it would be funny to begin with #myfistyourmouth Then proceed.

I never use hashtags in conversation, but if I knew that doing so would annoy my sister so much, I would use them all the time :)

Draw a hashtag in his forehead with a sharpie while he's asleep. See if he still think's it's funny.