By smellyhouse - 27/11/2011 10:19 - Canada

Today, my brother decided deodorant causes cancer. He goes to the gym every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 937
You deserved it 2 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Very smart man. He's going to live for a very long time after that


M0rt 0

Deodorant is bad for you; especially things like antiperspirants

arezra39 1

Tell him to use arm & hammer deodorant or Organic deodorant.

There actually is a connection between antiperspirants and cancer, but there's a huge difference between antiperspirants and deodorants.

Well depending on what brand you buy, thats true

It's only deoderants with aluminum and paraben in them that even have a chance of that.

Inspired22 11

There are alternative for deodorant, though antiperspirants are just straight-up bad for you. It's not natural for your body to be blocked from sweating. But if he just stops wearing anything at all to help with BO when he goes to the gym, that has to be really, really nasty. Come on. You can be healthy, non-toxic, and hygienic at the same time.

rae_munchkin 6

Well some of them do, he should have been a little smarter and researched a natural solution. Deodorant crystals are cheap and safe.

This will probably reverse itself when he realizes it'll kill his sex life.

wriptidez 0

ask him if he will go to the chemist and see if they will sell him some "Toms Natt deodorant" or someting similiar.

wriptidez 0

ask him if he will go to the chemist and see if they will sell him some "Toms Natt deodorant" or someting similiar.