By Katsura - 19/07/2016 00:43 - United States - Perrysburg

Today, my boyfriend wanted to get into an open relationship. He has no romantic feelings for me anymore, but he didn't want to separate from my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 150
You deserved it 1 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like hes only in it for the pussy

blueyekai 17

Dump him, and take your cat with you


this can be taken up in so many *wrong* ways...

Thats not what a open relationship means, it simply means he does not want to marry you. but still really likes you. If he didnt like you, he would have broken up with you.

An open relationship is when you can sleep with other people

Your definition is not what an open relationship means either. You realize married people can have open relationships too, right? Open relationship simply means that 2 people are in a relationship with each other, but they have sexual relationships with other people, usually as well as with each other. Sounds like the boyfriend doesn't really like OP anymore, and is just using the open relationship line as an excuse.

acerredrum 23

#3 That is not what an open relationship means at all. An open relationship means he wants to sleep with and/or date other people. Married people can be in an open relationship. Also I like to think OP is more likely to know what he meant than any of us since they were the ones who actually heard what he said.

Not all open relationships are open for both sides. One may simply have little to no sex drive but also lack jealousy completely. As long as both parties are in sync, it's all good.

So if married people can have a open relationship, why is my definition wrong?

This is when you tell him...Sure, an open relationship. You then proceed to OPEN the door and tell him to GTFO! Tough luck OP. But seriously, get rid of this moron. You deserve better.

But why is he a moron? Because he lost feelings for her? Not particularly his fault

The man is a noron because instead of simply moving on after losing romantic feelings for the OP, he is trying to persue a farce of a relationship for access to the cat.

blueyekai 17

Dump him, and take your cat with you

ApparentlyNotEno 28

Kick his arse to the kerb, the selfish prick.

You and the cat are a package deal. He won't be enjoying either from now on.

Sounds like he needs to be in a relationship with your cat.