By unengaged - 14/11/2009 18:19 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of six years broke up with me for a girl he's known for less than 72 hours. Why? He wanted someone pure. I lost my virginity to him five years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 289
You deserved it 4 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Ouch. Sorry for your luck. This is why you shouldn't have sex before marriage.

CheshireHalli 19

Because a ring on the finger changes him into a non-douche? O.o That makes no sense.

Yes, actually. If a man has gone and bought a ring and promised to love his girl, and everything, then he is promising her that he will be a non-douche. Instead of just screwing her and moving on.

AmoraLynn 6

This is a reply to comment 50. I'm hoping you are being sarcastic here because plenty of men and women act like complete jackasses after getting married. Sadly marriage doesn't mean happily ever after for everyone, and the business about knowing if your partner is a jerk or not before getting married isn't plausible because many people put on an act and do not show their true personalities until its too late.

CheshireHalli 19

no because a legally binding contract means he cant leave unless she says he can entrapment (not engagement) ftw

Well, 50 has a point in that doing that is making a promise to not be a douche. Doesn't mean they'll keep it though. Also, 55, there are ways to get out of marriage without permission from your partner.

AmoraLynn 6

True, 50 has a point about it being a promise not to be a jerk, I will concede to that :) Sadly in the case of this particular person I'm afraid even marriage probably wouldn't have kept him from doing this to her.

Strange man! Someone pure, huh? hmmm....strange remark

He's a giant, selfish asshole-douche jerk. YOU on the other hand need to re-define your values, young lady. If you valued your virginity, then you should not have given it away without being married. Chalk this one up to bitter experience, feel sorry for this girl, because he'll likely do the same thing to her (maybe you should advise her of what he did to you?), and be glad as heck you got the lowdown on this loser before the wedding so that you didn't spend any more time with someone who clearly does not and never did love you. And hey, virginity is not what makes you a pure heart/soul/person, anyway. Your attitude about the world around you, how you look at life, what you expose yourself to, and how you feel about your own soul are what make you pure. So, here's some advice: Live a clean life. Be a good, honest, fair person. Value your body and your mind by not exposing either to things that would debase you, and enjoy your purity. He can't take away your spirit, so live well. It's the best revenge.

He is so not worth your time! You will find someone better who will respect you and not toss you aside when they were the one who slept with you.

captaincanoe 0

hate to tell you but I'm sure he's known her for much longer than 72 hours for him to just throw away a 6 year relationship. He's now just finally worked up the courage to dump you for her

I've seen this FML like 45 times now. This is a pretty common one. Either it's fake or this girl is an idiot.

I agree. But if "abstinence is the answer", then the question must have been "What's the fastest way to get blueballs?".

Abstinence makes the Church grow fondlers. But seriously, for some people not having sex is a good option, for others it isn't. No big deal.

sounds just like my ex. instead he slept with five other people behind my back. :) it'll all get better with time!

AntiChrist7 0

****, girl, was his name Jason, by any chance? Sounds exactly like my ex-boyfriend of a few years ago. He sweet-talked me into dating him, threatened me into giving him my virginity, and then a month later he left me to bone some 14 year old because I wasn't "pure and innocent" anymore.....and that's disturbing, because he was 21. Some guys are like that. They only date or have sex with virgins, and once the girl is "broken in", so to speak, they move on to the next one. It's along the same basis as pedophilia, believe it our not. Pedophiles only go for a certain age group, and once a child sexually matures, they no longer find that child attractive. In this case, the guy is only sexually attracted to virgins. Once a girl's virginity is lost, he finds her unattractive and looks elsewhere. Egg his car. And his house. And warn the girl he's with, because if he only likes them "pure", he's sure to drop her eventually as well.