By unengaged - 14/11/2009 18:19 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of six years broke up with me for a girl he's known for less than 72 hours. Why? He wanted someone pure. I lost my virginity to him five years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 289
You deserved it 4 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Meh, he's lying. He's not pure either. Actually, there's no such thing as "pure". Anyway, he didn't dump you because you slept with him, that's stupid. He tried to come up with another way to say he's bored of you.

thefmlmo 2

not surprising coming from texas

bishopp 0

what the hell is this supposed to mean? the guys a dick, but that doesn't mean you have to insult the whole state.

I never take those personally, there's ALWAYS gonna be an idiot that submits a comment like that :-)

To all women ever: If your boyfriend "wants someone who's pure" i.e. a virgin, run! Run screaming for the hills! Run away and never look back! Whether it's before or after he has sex with you, it doesn't matter. Just run!

dru67 0

Pure dose not mean Virgin....Pure = not a dumb ****.

he probley didnt like you anymore so he needed an excuse...

Kberna2 0

I feel your pain. I've been with my boy friend for 6 years, he was my first and only. I caught him in a huge lie yesterday and he began to call me a ***** just because I am a female. He thinks that just becasue I am a women I am a ***** because a women can get any man they want.

AmoraLynn 6

I sincerly hope that person is your ex now no one male or female should be called a *****(or anything else) just because their partner is mad at them.

K_Smooth 2

sorry, he probably meant pure for marriage. he probably doesnt like the fact that your stretched out down there with meat hooks.