By 30Jenna - 13/07/2011 22:01 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me on my Facebook wall. 27 people liked it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 743
You deserved it 6 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

foilindo 0

look at it this way. it's 27 people who want to date you!!! :-)


comment that your glad he confided in you his true homosexual urges.

27 people are *****, including your now ex-boyfriend. You unfriended him, right?

Un- friending people on Facebook is quite immature.

GlittersL 0

Unfriending someone you no longer want to associate with, like an ex, isn't immature, it's smart. Why would anyone stay friends on facebook with someone they don't like? The only reasons I can think of are to stalk their profile or to keep your number of friends up. Now those are immature!

looks like you have 27 freshly defriended facebook users...

******* Facebook. Your boyfriend is a jerk for dumping you over the Internet, and those 27 people are heartless. I'd say de-friend them, they obviously aren't your true friends.

Yay.. Another reason for me to hate facebook (nothing personal, i'm just a facebook-hater because of these kind of things)

If the majority of them were male, they're happy that you're single. If not, perhaps your friends saw something in the guy that wasn't right for you, and were glad that it was over between you two. There really isn't enough information to decide how to feel towards the situation. If it's any consolation, I wouldn't have liked it. But then again, I don't know you..

Maybe they thought that's the best for both of you.

that's my favorite number lol , random