By Anonymous - 13/02/2013 05:07 - United States - Topeka

Today, my boyfriend and I were visiting his parents. I'm nervous around them so he encouraged me to drink so I'd loosen up. I got so drunk I tore up all the things in his old room I thought were from ex-girlfriends and accidentally flashed his dad my crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 562
You deserved it 56 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How much did you drink?! I believe there's a slight difference between loosening up and getting completely drunk.

So you destroyed his things and got your junk out in front of his father. All class. I'm sure you'll be invited back soon.


Ok...your boyfriend probably meant one drink to take take the edge off...probably wasn't expecting you to get white girl deserve this unless you've never touched alcohol in your life and didn't realize what was happening...if you've ever had a drop? Not a drop of sympathy for me.

cryssycakesx3 22

I wish I never hear "white girl wasted" ever again.

ulissey_fml 22

Street credit : Ok. Respectability credit: crotched.

This is why I dont drink. Id much rather smoke pot and be aware of my actions than be drunk and making an ass of myself.

The_F3rris 11

You are just stating true facts that others dont want to hear.

Thatguy334 7

Good job, either you can't handle your booze or you drank way too much, either way, you should have been more responsible

Your boyfriend is an idiot for suggesting you drink to loosen up, and you are an idiot for following his advice. What the hell were the two of you thinking? Better to be a sober and nervous wreck around his folks than to be a drunken maniac who trashes his room and flashes his dad. But since he presumably wasn't pouring drinks down your throat, YDI. Next time, pop a mint and do a bit of meditation before meeting someone new.

yeah sure, OP you should have just smoked weed :)) but to be serious, how do you get from drinking a little bit in order to loosen up, to drinking a lot? @76, drinking e.g. 1 beer could have helped her, so i guess u're overreacting :)