By me. - 01/12/2012 14:54 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex when the condom broke. He told me to go put a tampon in to "soak up the kids". How did he graduate? FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 554
You deserved it 7 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have some wierd feeling that that would work and no ones ever tried it before. Then again, I never passed the 10th grade so what would I know?

Common sense isn't a requirement for graduating high school.


Maybe the kids should play outside from now on.

jdmur 6

That actually seems a bit logical. I totally see how he put those two together

amerikaninfidel 2

19-Chelsea, so you tried it twice before?

perdix 29

Well, I didn't have to know how sex works to get my degree. That's why they call it B. S.!

Pray for your sake that you don't get pregnant by this idiot.

That is the absolute greatest thing I've read.

CharresBarkrey 15
escobar07 10

How did he graduate? Why did you **** him is what I wanna know

LOL, this FML made my day. "Soak up the kids" is my new favorite line.

I'm just popping for an opportunity to use it in my day to day social intercourse! :-)