By Foot In Mouth - 05/02/2009 22:56 - United States

Today, my anatomy teacher was putting together a skeleton model for class. He had misplaced the leg bone, so I thoughtfully asked, "What's the matter, lose a leg?" Unfortunately, there's nothing thoughtful about asking that question to a guy with an amputated leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 216
You deserved it 36 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My band teacher lost a leg a few years back and band class is pretty much crippled jokes. I have a huge repertoire of them if you would like. lol

At least you have a foot to put in your mouth!! ;-)


onebigkaboom 10

Why would asking that be considered thoughtful anyway?

RochelleRedvines 8

I guess he's trying to live up to his name.

Most amputees have a sense of humor about their disability and jokes like that are not that big of a deal.

Think before you speak...I sure hope he didn't think that was supposed to be a smartass comment