By Ben - 21/08/2009 21:28 - United States

Today, my 6 year old daughter somehow learned about sex. She also had the open house at her school where she meets her new teachers. When the teacher asked where she came from, she said, "My daddy's happy sacks." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 297
You deserved it 4 717

Same thing different taste


Ok. If ur reading fmls on ur iPhone app, the comments don't get updated as fast as they do on the website. So if u see no comments, chances r that ur comment is 20-something or later. And even if u r first, whoopi ****** do!!! No one gives a shit, n I just bury the comments that say "first!!".

HahaYDI 0

Why do you waste time trying to bury them, p90% of the people here just show it out of curiosity

#18, The comments on the iPhone app (I use FML Pro) are numbered completely differently than on the web site.

yeah, I hate that comments can be buried. I mean I don't care when the 1st are buried but other times when people bury comments just bc they don't like the position that person takes it annoys me.

kids kids kids. *sigh*. but lmfao dude! i'm glad I'm not the teacher in this position! kids always do put us in awkward embarrassing situations.

kiefenator 0

how can you be a ******* teacher if your only 21 and dropped out of school? wannabe

Embarassing for OP, hilarious for the rest of us!

blinddate 0
Dynoblaze 1

smart kid. then again kids are smarter than people give them credit for. of course while Id be impressed with the kid the teacher is going to be asking you for a conference.

justmyluck1212 0

funny that this is under "love"

xcuppcakee 0

Lmfao that made me laugh. But how is this a FML ? It's kinda cute .

I am not one of those guys that go around posting how FML's are fake but this does sound like a joke from Dave Chapelle's "For What it's Worth"

I'm not the sort of man who goes around raping other men's wives, but I'm gonna rape your wife.

idontgiveone 0

I'm not the sort of woman who goes telling people that they are jerk from the internet, but you are a jerk.

Escapist28 0

I like idontgiveone's the best =)