By abbshows - 29/08/2014 18:54 - United States

Today, it was my great aunt's funeral. We all had to wait two hours for the service to begin, because they forgot to dig the grave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 582
You deserved it 2 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontClickOnMe 28

How do you forget something like that.. sounds unprofessional. I'm sorry for your loss, OP.


Not only is it completely awful, its extremely unprofessional. I'm sorry for your loss.

well... if you're lucky you only get buried once

DontClickOnMe 28

How do you forget something like that.. sounds unprofessional. I'm sorry for your loss, OP.

Well someone told someone else to get it done but that someone just told someone else and that someone didn't dig the grave or just thought that other someone would do it.

Greenteamextreme 16

This someone guy sounds like a forgetful jerk!

TheNiceOne 20

How do you just forget something like that?

I hope they gave you a refund because that's completely unprofessional and terrible.

That funeral company is really irresponsible. Sorry about that OP

How the hell does a ****** funeral home forget to dig somebodys grave? thats so ****** up

23lf 16
1PersonIsMyWorld 22

kind of disrespectful. I wouldnt use that funeral service again. but dont let it ruin it for you op. im sure your aunt had a long fruitful life filled with joy. stay positive and remember the fun times u had with her.

How terribly unprofessional! So sorry OP.

That's like forgetting the bowl when pouring yourself some cereal.

That's a horrible mental image to compare this situation to. I should be more concerned at how funny I found it.