By slavelaborsux - 29/08/2011 23:59 - United States

Today, it was my first day on the job as a first grade teacher. One student pushed another, so I asked him to apologize. His response? "If you boss me around, I'll tell Daddy you touched me somewhere you shouldn't have." I think I'm now this kid's slave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 764
You deserved it 3 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

I'd report that little shit to his parents. Don't let him boss you around or else more and more kids will follow and you'll be miserable. Stand up for yourself!

Is it me, or are children getting less and less respectful at a sickeningly fast rate?


effarve 2

**** that little shit head! Go to your boss you rep and the students parent before that shit even gets a chance to start.

"Today, after paying for all the schooling and spending many years in college training, I discovered I wasn't cut out to be a teacher because I was outsmarted by one of my new students. I teach first grade..FML..

Tell the parents what the child said and ask them to consider where he/she could have learned that. Also report it straight away to your Principal. He/she needs to be aware of the situation and be on your side should the parents complain. You need to speak up and let people know NOW otherwise the kid wins! Also let the kid know he/she can't do that and that you will report them. Our society goes to hell the minute we let kids boss teachers around!!- from a Kindergarten teacher

0opsie 6

If you explain the situation to his parents and the principal, you should be okay. His parents probably explained what's inappropriate and to tell them everything, but this little brat is using it to his advantage. I know this is a bad double standard, but many people find it hard to accept a woman could be a child molester. If you were a man, the parents might think you're using this as an excuse to touch him later, then you'd have a reason to worry. You shouldn't get in trouble is you speak up now.

Why the hell didn't you march that kid into the principals office. Offense is the best defense. You should know better.

Be carefull,.. Apple tree...these parents are most likely craze. Every year I meet my kids teachers and let them know if my kids get out of line I'm willing to come down paddle them. FYI this is ok in TX.

perdix 29

Diagnose the kid with ADHD and tell his parents to get him on meds. Pump the little shit with triple the dose to keep him stoned out of his little sociopathic mind and help yourself to some of his drugs for fun.

Killerturtle 11

Teachers can't give diagnosis, silly.

Perdix, sorry man, but this time it wasnt funny. And OP teach him a lesson and tell him he will be in big trouble for being a liar