By Anonymous - 20/01/2011 03:44 - United States

Today, it was my daughter's birthday. She had been wanting a cat for a long time, so I went to the animal shelter and got an orange one. As soon as she saw it, she ran upstairs screaming, "GINGER! GINGER!" She refuses to come downstairs until I get rid of "the soulless creature." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 046
You deserved it 8 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments


kportal69 5

I take offense to that. your daughter needs to learn her place. I'm gonna be like Charlie brown and **** punt your selfish daughter.

IrishSoulja 4

FFS CopperCab really did make this stereotype rise up, i wish he just dies :)

You're daughter must be a total moron! I'll take the kitty if you don't want one.

OP, keep the cat for yourself and don't allow your daughter to touch it. And don't get her any pets at all, she's clearly very irresponsible and incapable of taking care of them.

tell her it's crookshanks from Harry potttter

Your daughter is ungrateful, but holy crap did this make me laugh.

Just shoot it. Your daughter, not the cat. Cats are nice.

that's what you get for getting something for your daughter that has no soul.

lamentballad 0

Congrats, OP. Your daughter is an idiot. Don't get her any birthday presents and keep the cute little cat for yourself.