By Anonymous - 20/01/2011 03:44 - United States

Today, it was my daughter's birthday. She had been wanting a cat for a long time, so I went to the animal shelter and got an orange one. As soon as she saw it, she ran upstairs screaming, "GINGER! GINGER!" She refuses to come downstairs until I get rid of "the soulless creature." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 046
You deserved it 8 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That is terrible. Not because of the whole ginger hating thing (that's pretty funny), but because no kitty is a soulless creature :(

spade1997 0

ydi for letting her watch south park! society is gonna suck in the next 50 years now

Boutte 3

kinda Sounds contrived, unless this little girl watches southpark

xoxo_cherri_xoxo 6
BoobooBear8 0

please, please, please don't give away the cat! how would you feel if you got adopted for an hour then went back? bad. convince her that only Ginger people don't have souls, but cats are fine.

goldhighways 0

I <3 gingers. seriously how the hell did all that gay shit ever get started about gingers not having souls? gayest thing I've ever heard.

Nextto 0

One, learn to take a joke! Cartman is a self centered bastard child with no morals and delusions of graduer. Do not take his ideals seriously. Don't blame south park for this child's stupidity. This little girl is a freaking moron because she was raised to believe something she heard from a cartoon.

fthku 13

Erm. "Cartman is a self centered bastard child with no morals and delusions of graduer. Do not take his ideals seriously." Well gosh darn it, nicely put. If *I* had to describe Cartman I would say that it's just a cartoon character! Looks like you could use your own advice. Also *grandeur.