By stew - 23/06/2009 15:47 - United States

Today, It took me more than 4 hours to set up the back yard for my daughters baby shower. It only took my husband one push of a button to turn on the sprinklers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 066
You deserved it 3 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ooo Could he not have forseen that water and decorations don't mix?!?!?


meriadoc2 0

I would pound him back into 1935

Well done Homer!!! Very well writen OP!!!

What does that have to do with anything, 41?

abbadizzle 0

Haha I'd have probably beat him if he were my husband! hahaha (not literally!)

CyclonePsycho 1

You gotta put him back in his place somehow. :3

seems like something i would've done haha

lemony_music_grl 0

.................did he actually think its supposed to rain at a baby shower..?

i'd like to give the man a high five hahahaha but man, that does suck

That bites, but someone should of set it up for you.

now you have another story to tell the kids,family and have to find the silver sure you two will be laughing about this in a few days or weeks.

neokiller_fml 0

Wow YDI for being a cleaning BITCH! ;o