By Kayla - 06/10/2018 14:00

Today, it's the third day in a row that my classmate next to me has brought green bean casserole to eat in class. The last two days I could hold back my vomit, but today I couldn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 415
You deserved it 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Justin Allan Bannister 9

So all this poor kid can afford to eat is the same leftovers for days, and your privileged ass is annoyed because you don’t like the smell? Maybe you should offer to buy him lunch.


That must be some foul-smelling casserole. Hopefully your classmate will be sympathetic to your plight, now that you've upchucked your own lunch right in front of them.

mehimhere 11

makes me want to puke every time i smell green beans too.. something not right about their scent.

It might be time for your classmate's mother to admit that last month's green been casserole has gone bad. Also, your classmate must have a stomach of steel, thanks to all those old leftovers incubating in his lunchbox.

Green bean casserole's the best! Must've been a nasty batch.

RoadRunnerZ 13

**** your guys have against green bean casserole

So all this poor kid can afford to eat is the same leftovers for days, and your privileged ass is annoyed because you don’t like the smell? Maybe you should offer to buy him lunch.

Justin Allan Bannister 9
Old Papa Errol 4

I had a similar scenario, except I was waiting in the line at the cafeteria in elementary school while some guy was puking from the smell of the food while I get anxious around anything having to do with vomit.

I agree that is some nasty shit but it’s no where near as bad as someone who eats tunafish