By picaru - 21/06/2009 18:00 - United States

Today, is the first day of my honeymoon. It has been 6 years since I took a "real" vacation. We have 3 kids and a small house, and now we have 9 days alone in random hotels to do what couples do on their honeymoon without kids... Day one, I got my period 7 days early. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 468
You deserved it 5 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how does she deserve this? xD Like really. YDI for being a woman, YDI for leaving your kids.. I wonder what stupid excuses will come up for YDI xD

That sucks. Mother nature is awful. Hope things'll look up soon.


I'm not sure who it is that objects to sex during a period, men or women. If you're talking men, the frankly unless you're talking oral, who cares? Hell, if you're going to ask her to take a mouth or face full of sperm and then object to sex with her on the basis of it being messy, then you're just a selfish prick. As for women, it's a real mystery. Never met a woman on her period who wasn't at least THINKING about her ******, if not downright hornier than other times. And if it's the mess, having to wash a few towels is a problem? And if you're on vacation, then you don't even have to deal with the mess on the towels, whuich is even less reason to care.

Hopefully the person you married understands, sorry OP! D: