By FIM - 12/01/2017 15:18

Today, in response to a text asking if I wanted to meet for brunch, I wrote, "Oh dear god I'm so hungover I could die and I'm still in my same clothes from last night. Not a chance." It was our 5-year college reunion and the number I sent that to was actually an old professor, not an old friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 277
You deserved it 5 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for not checking who you were actually texting back.

Hey, it's just like being back in college! No better way to celebrate a 5 year reunion then acting like you never left.


YDI for not checking who you were actually texting back.

I mean, maybe he was wasted from last night as well if he attended? All adults, I'm sure no harm done.

Hey, it's just like being back in college! No better way to celebrate a 5 year reunion then acting like you never left.

jcash52426 5

You need to pay attention to who your responding to. On the other hand remember your professor was a student also he knows what being a collage student is like. Be honest and communicate, as long as you don't do anything a) illegal B) something to get you kicked out of your collage. I think you will be ok. Not to preach but that's a lesson I have learned. Don't be afraid to communicate your teachers want to to pass.

Sounds harmless to me, im certain your professor has been through the same problem minus the whole texting the wrong person. besides ive done worse..

so? if it's not a current professor, who cares?