By Sabre777 - 17/08/2019 22:00

Today, while as a therapist, a client made an audible fart and pointed out that she had done so. Shortly after, she wrinkled her nose as she savored the odor. She began to discuss her significant trauma issues. Before I could respond, her fart wafted over to me, making any mature response pointless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 588
You deserved it 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I’m sure your empathy was off the chart since you were in the middle of a significant trauma yourself.

If part of her issue is loneliness, you at least know why.


I’m sure your empathy was off the chart since you were in the middle of a significant trauma yourself.

wait. so because you could smell it you could no longer respond? and so I'm assuming you never fart? you sound very judgmental for a therapist. ydi

Yeah, I agree, it might be smelly but stay professional OP.

If part of her issue is loneliness, you at least know why.

I know this story doesn’t technically violate and privilege, it does seem odd that you are posting it so publicly.