By Vermont? - 22/02/2017 05:00 - United States

Today, in my AP U.S. history class, we had a very long, very slow discussion about whether or not Vermont is a state. I think I lost brain cells. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 357
You deserved it 422

Same thing different taste

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Alright, just to be clear, we're actually a landlocked island provenance governed by many British queens throughout history who use time travel. Maple syrup is currency (it's 78¢ per fluid ounce) and counterfeiting is a common problem, especially with those corn-syrup-selling Miss Buttersworth assholes. I'd tell you more, but my knowledge is in low capacity mode while the rest of the population is in hibernation—we're also a hive mind.

alternative-facts 6

It was an A.P. class??!! Appalling! So, what did y'all decide? State or not a state? Where was the teacher in this debate, or was s/he confused too? Our education system sucks. 'Murica.


alternative-facts 6

It was an A.P. class??!! Appalling! So, what did y'all decide? State or not a state? Where was the teacher in this debate, or was s/he confused too? Our education system sucks. 'Murica.

gameusn 6

California would be a more interesting choice.

Alright, just to be clear, we're actually a landlocked island provenance governed by many British queens throughout history who use time travel. Maple syrup is currency (it's 78¢ per fluid ounce) and counterfeiting is a common problem, especially with those corn-syrup-selling Miss Buttersworth assholes. I'd tell you more, but my knowledge is in low capacity mode while the rest of the population is in hibernation—we're also a hive mind.

What's a better currency than good tasting edible currency?

awildwhisper 30

Your comments make everyone's day better.

Thanks! I'm just trying to educate folks.

I don't know why you are so shocked...the US is obviously full of stupid people. How else can you explain Donald Trump.

**** you. Trump is the only pres who has done anything to clean up the mess America has become. I guess you would prefer crooked Hillary who has done nothing but sell America out.

jcash52426 5

Unless your a foreign exchange student you should know it a state. Although to be honest after reading the FML I had to think about it for a min to

Start singing: "Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut..."

You gotta wonder what the regular US History at that school is like. Talking about the accomplishments of Pres. Underwood?

ok so obviously Vermont is considered to be one of the 50 States, but using Massachusetts as an example, mass is actually a Commonwealth. . . so, devils advocate. . . was your discussion along those lines? or just pure ignorance? a distinction like that and debate along those lines sounds like AP curricula, although its been a few years from me and I actually stayed away ap history to focus more on math and science

Vermonster94 1

So the state I live in isn't a state then?